Original Safe and Vaults Combination Tool Resistant Safe MTL TL30 UL

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Original Safe and Vaults Combination Tool Resistant Safe MTL TL30 UL

Location:Pawtucket, RI


  • Original Safe and Vaults Combination Tool Resistant Safe MTL TL30 UL  
  • Made in NJ USA 

About section 

TL-Rated Composite Safes have the ability to withstand severe attacks by experienced U.L. experts using powerful tool such as sledgehammers, power saws, carbide disc cutters, drills, etc., and without fail, were awarded the U.L. TL-30 labels. Besides withstanding the most concentrated attacks by sophisticated burglars, TL Safe offers a 2 Hour, 350°F factory rating, ensuring the protection of the vault’s contents against intense fires


ManufacturerOriginal Safe & Vaults
ModelMTL TL30 UL
Stock Number779450
Overall dimensions27" x 32" x 40"
Inside Dimensions19.5" x 19.5" x 33"
Shelf Size19" x 19"
Estimated weight1,622 Lbs
Equipped With2 Shelves