Conley 12" Rubber Mold Vulcanizer for Spin Cast Molds for Jewelry, Fishing Jigs & More

Conley 12" Rubber Mold Vulcanizer for Spin Cast Molds for Jewelry, Fishing Jigs & More

Location:Pawtucket, RI


For production of parts made of low-melting metal alloys (zinc, tin, bismuth, eutectic alloys and lead). We have much more available equipment including Charles Hones pewter melting furnaces, Spin Casting machines, Mold frames 9",10" and 12" in stock at Gold Machinery Rhode Island's one stop machinery shop. 


Stock Number779443
Platens12" Solid, Heated
Mold fram capacity9" - 12"
Hydraulic ram20 tons
Maximum temperature500 Degrees F
ControlsUpdated Digital controls
Overall dimensions18" x 19" x 42" high
Estimated weight600 lbs.