*NEW* Nobles Stainless Steel Heated Centrifugal Spin Dryer – Model Turbo 6

*NEW* Nobles Stainless Steel Heated Centrifugal Spin Dryer – Model Turbo 6

Location:Pawtucket, RI


Nobles centrifugal dryers take the natually occurring physics of gravity and combine it with heat and air flow to produce the best drying results in the industry. During operation, the basket containing the parts is rapidly accelerated, creating centrifugal force. This force is dramatically greater than the natural force of gravity and therefore gives the centrifugal dryer its unique properties and efficiencies. Model Turbo 6 6" x 6" Basket 7 pound capacity 1/4 HP motor 115 volt, 60 cycle Electric heat 1075 RPM operating speed 12-3/4" x 12-3/4" desk top space 68 lb shipping weight. Stainless Steel with Heat 115V: Carbon Steel with Head 115V Stainless Steel with Heat 230V Carbon Steel with Heat 230V Options: Timer package $229. Temperature control package $281. Nobles Manufacturing, established in 1948, has been serving the surface finishing industry for over 40 years by building the finest, most rugged centrifugal parts dryers in the industry. Please note that baskets are sold separately. Polypropylene 6x6 Baskets: 1/16" Perf.....$170.00 1/8" Perf....$170.00 3/16" Perf...$170.00 #40 Mesh...$170.00 #20 Mesh...$170.00 Stainless Steel 6x6 Baskets: #16 Mesh...$295.00 #40 Mesh...$416.00 #60 Mesh....$416.00 Polypropylene with Stainless Steel Liner 6x6 Baskets: #40 Mesh....$210.00 1-1/2" Perf with #40 Mesh liner.... $210.00


Stock NumberNobles 6"x6"
Deliveryusually 4-8 weeks