9286-385 Antique Holtzapffel Ornamental Turning Lathe, Circa 1881

9286-385 Antique Holtzapffel Ornamental Turning Lathe, Circa 1881

Location:Pawtucket, RI


This Holtzapffel ornamental turning lathe was built in 1881 and first sold in 1885, making it one of the later machines built by the Holtzapffel firm.  H2362 has been extensively modified by its previous owners to function as a rose engine, though it can be easily dismounted to serve its original ornamental turning functions.  This is a lathe for someone who wants to use it, not just look at it.  The lathe is in excellent working condition, though it shows its years. Double mahogany frame with cast-iron bed Original six-step pulley with index plate and index arm Two sets (brass and steel) pivot risers for rocking headstock (rose engine) (The lathe is capable of both rocking and pumping action.) Various rose-engine rubbers Pendulum apparatus for centering rocking headstock Original OT cross-slide, plus highly desirable original cradle (Also newer riser cradle for rose-engine work) Eccentric chuck Dome chuck Oval chuck (missing indexing nose) Sprial surface chuck Eccentric cutting frame (original) Horizontal cutting frame (not original) Universal cutting frame (not original) Drilling frame (not original, accepts small Holtz drills) Spiral apparatus (missing 24-tooth gear) Spiral "donut" gears Reciprocating arm Fluting stops Curvilinear gear (but no curvilinear patterns) Four plastic rocking rosettes, six plastic rocking/pumping rosettes, one brass D12 rocking rosette from a Holtz rose cutting frame Original tailstock Rocking tailstock (mounts to headstock) Two short plainturning tool rests Threading hobs and follower Original goniostat Heavy metal-cutting crossslide Beautifully constructed mahogany chest of drawers for accessories Lidded mahogany chest for small accessories Numerous original faceplates, cup chuck and other holding gear (original two-jaw chuck is inoperable) Three-jaw chuck on H2362 faceplate 1" x 8 tpi mandrel converter 1" collet chuck (fits Holtz mandrel) A nice collection of previous owner's test and practice pieces Complete pedigree and other documentation Equipped With: What is Ornamental Turning? OT WEBSITE: http://ornamentalturners.com/


Stock Number9286-385
Exotic Woods, Metal Cutters and Dale ChaseClick To Read more (Download PDF)