3543-300 SRA-350 H2O Hydrogen Welder for Soldering and Brazing – Includes 1 Torch

3543-300 SRA-350 H2O Hydrogen Welder for Soldering and Brazing – Includes 1 Torch

Location:Pawtucket, RI


115V/1PH/60HZ Temperatures up to 5000 degrees F. Single torch model Uses distilled water and methyl alcohol Burns clean hydrogen & oxygen gas from distilled water Flame controlled by amperage setting and needle tip size Equipped With: 1 welding torch Manual Applications / Details This unique machine generates a Clean PinPoint Flame With Temperatures Up to 5000 ºF from a Pen Size Torch This unit is supplied with 1 torch. Very Safe - No Gas tanks needed Easy to Maintain No CO2 Emissions The Uses of Hydrogen & Oxygen Torches H2O torches are used for soldering and brazing and are proven to be useful in many industrial fields. Advantages of Hydrogen/Oxygen Torches Soldering with the gas generated by a hydrogen torch system is a better alternative to using the pressurized fuel tanks. The Hydrogen Oxygen generator produces gas by using electricity to break down the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. Therefore creating a safer, cleaner and very economical gas flame with water as fuel. With hydrogen and oxygen as its fuel sources, the torch produces a much safer, hotter and cleaner flame. It's also easy to set up and very user friendly. Many small shops have restrictions on the use of gas tanks in their buildings. The H2O welder is a great alternative because it does not store any gas because it makes it on demand. Jewelry Making There are many reasons why those working on jewelry for commercial and personal reasons would use a hydrogen oxygen torch. They can be used for resizing rings, chain repairs and alterations, fixing damaged prongs or any soldering task needed. Annealing Hydrogen torches are great for annealing metals. When annealing, the metal is heated slowly to a specific temperature and then it is cooled slowly. Because this process softens the metal it can be shaped and cut easier. Glass Processing Hydrogen torches can be used for reshaping glass and metals. One popular use is heating glass colors together to build stronger, or different forms of glass. Medical and Dental Devices The hydrogen torch can also be used in the dental and medical fields, because it uses clean fuel and it won't contaminate medical or dental devices. The fine pinpoint flame is perfect for very small items like dental appliances, stents and guide wires. Plastics The torch can be used to flame polish edges of plastic sheets. Other applications include but are not limited to: 1. Thermocouple repairs and production 2. Wax castings 3. Electro-mechanical devices 4. Transformer soldering where a soldering iron can't heat the large conductors.


Stock Number3543-300
Maximum power190 watts
Size11" x 9.6" x 11" high
Estimated weight50 lbs.