Feeler Model FTS-27 Secondary Operation Lathe

Feeler Model FTS-27 Secondary Operation Lathe

Location:Pawtucket, RI


220V/3PH/60HZ Equipped With: Lever 5C collet closer with pneumatic assist 6-station turret with pneumatic assist Cabinet stand Additional Photos:


Stock Number6844-440
Speeds230 - 3500 RPM (variable)
Spindle capacity with round 5C collets1-1/16"
Length of bed36"
Swing over bed9"
Travel of double tool cross slide3-3/4"
Travel of turret slide4"
Diameter of turret holes5/8"
Coolant sump capacity3 gallons
Estimated dimensions74" x 35" x 68" high
Estimated weight1,000 lbs.