2478-700 Palmgren X-Y Cross Slide Table Made in USA Model 192-16 – Dual Axis Positioning

2478-700 Palmgren X-Y Cross Slide Table Made in USA Model 192-16 – Dual Axis Positioning

Location:Pawtucket, RI


Equipped With: 4-5/8" bolt lugs for mounting 3 - longitudinal 5/8" T-slots REPLACEMENT COST NEW....$2399.55 Palmgren's rigid precision built slide tables are used for inspection and layoutas well as various machining and positioning operations. Single axis movement in the X or the left-to-right direction. All tables are equipped with counterbalanced ball crank handles that provide rapid, accurate positioning. Precision ground table tops to 0.001" total indicator reading Dials are graduated in 0.001 in increments Dials are graduated in 0.001" increments Ball crank handles do not extend below the base to eliminate interference with the machine table Bases have bolt lugs and 5/8" keyways for locating and accurate, secure mounting Table tops have a longitudinal and three transverse 7/16" T-slots. Dovetailed slides have adjustable steel gibs to compensate for wear


Stock Number2478-700
Table size16" x 8"
Table height6-1/8"
Base size11-1/2" x 10"
Table travel10" x 8"
Estimated weight149 lbs.