New FARO-GOLD® 5-Axis CNC Milling Machine for Rings, Bangles, Engraving, Diamond Cutting, Drilling & Stone Setting

New FARO-GOLD® 5-Axis CNC Milling Machine for Rings, Bangles, Engraving, Diamond Cutting, Drilling & Stone Setting

Location:Pawtucket, RI

orCall 1-800-619-GOLD


ADVANTAGES OF OUR MACHINES VS. COMPETITION Faro machine F1 –     The base in natural marble granite guarantees the  highest stability in time and reduces vibrations –     High working speed –     Ultra speed diamond tool. 200 mm  of diamond-cut coil per minute –     Ultra speed satin tool, 200 mm  of satin coil per minute –     Guilloche tool for engraving (“such as handmade”) –     Wheel diamond tool with the  automatic change of 3 tools –     Possibility to set wheels from  15mm  to  63mm of diameter –     Highest flexibility to work on the  whole surface of the  metal coil ( vacuum plane) –     Coil fixing system to the  vacuum plane with pneumatic press for the  use of uneven coils –     Automatic alignment systems –      Automatic mapping system of the coil for the  working on coils that are not perfect or that have non flat surfaces –      Dedicated CAD-CAM package software, with all the necessary automatic functions for the satin, diamond cutting, laser and engraving work For the machines with laser: –      Possibility to do marking and cutting both in the combined area (inside the  machine) and in the stand-alone area (outside the  machine –     Great  usable area with single exposition, 180 x 80 mm –     No loss of metal vapors or smoke thanks to the  mobile cowl system and special aspirator Faro machine F35 –     Base in natural marble granite –     Toggle switch angle from + 125° to  -125° –     360° continuous and infinite rotation –     13 tools –     Automatic ring loader –     Automatic probe to work on imperfect or uneven oval objects or with a imprecise shape –     Laser  interferometer for the diamond cutting on objects with  imprecise shapes –     Automatic tool change for diamond cutting –     High working speed and high precision –      Highly specialized package software CAD-CAM for the  creation of cylindrical, bombed, ovals or specially shaped rings  and bangles. Easy, quick  and intuitive. 2Ddrawings and automatic 6 axes transformation. MACHINE DESCRIPTION F1isoneofthe mostefficientandflexibleCNCmilling machinesworldwide.Itcan  carry out18different operations,frontandback,onflatsheets.Itshighlyrefinedmechanicsallowsaperfectalignmentofthe axesgeometryandguaranteessteadinessthanksto  the  granitein  the basement.Theseparatetractionofthelinearaxesensuressmooth and precisemovements.Itisequippedwithasetofuniqueaccessories,such asthevectordiamondcutterforthejewelryindustryorthe  pivotingblade for the  eyewearindustry. F35is  the  all-around,native5-axis machinethat  represents yearsof ongoingenhancementscarriedoutbyFAROSRLtorespondtothe needsof the  jewelry  manufacturingindustry.Thanks toits  small footprintandbig versatility,tothe  distinctivefeaturesoftheproprietaryPiGreco  program and to  the  customizableconfiguration,F35is  oneofthe mostpopular systemsinthe  jewelry  industryforallengraving,diamond-cutting,drilling andstonepre-settingtaskson  3Dbanglesandrings.ThestyleF35is  a compactmachiningcentertoprocessweddingrings,rings andbangles, designedandmanufacturedbyusincompleteindependencetogether withawide  rangeofaccessories toconfigurethe  systemexactlyaccordingthe  specificrequirementsofeverysingleCustomer. FARO F1 ü    Automatic Tube  Dragging ü    Automatic Alignment ü    Natural  granite structure ü    Look-ahead function ü    Multi-function head ü    FAYb Laser ü    Skipper  control software ü    All-in-one CAD/CAM software FARO F35 ü    Diamond  Cutting  head ü    Natural  granite structure ü    Faro  Numeric Control ü    Automatic Tool Changer ü    Automatic Ring Loader ü    Pneumatic vice for rings  and  bangles ü    Skipper  NC control software ü    Pigreco is an integrated 7 axis  CAD-CAM Alltheprocessesaremanagedbyhighlyspecializedsoftware packages,developed byourownteam ofengineers,withlots  ofusefulfeaturesthat,  thankstotheir easeinthe  useand  rapidity,  free  the creativityof  the  operatorand  allow  the  creationof  uniqueobjectswith  outstandingfinishesand effectsinjustafew,simple stepsleavinganywayfullcustomization freedom. Engraving,diamond  cutting,drilling,  stonepre–setting, grazing,satin finishing,blipping,profilingand millingareonlyafewofthemachiningprocessesthatcan beperformedwithourmachines. designed,developed andrealizedinour company,weareabletofastandproperly answerany  questionaboutthe  use,the maintenanceandthemachineoperation.Our  equipment is  foreseenwith  thelatestsafetysystems, prevention andguaranteeofabsoluteprecision accordingto  the  mostdemandingstandards,andis availableinEuropean andNorthAmericanversions. 600kg/1.300lbs),specificallydesigned toeasilycollectallpreciousmetalschipsinside, easytobeused,can fitalsosmalllabs  thanks toitsquiet operationnoise. high-qualitylinearguidesandball-screws(alsoinstainlesssteel), high– efficiencybrushless motors,HFelectrospindlesof1,2÷1,8kWpowerand50.000 or60.000RpMwithrun- out  lessthan0,001  mm,  automatictool changeand7-tool magazine, CNCcontrolledcoolingsystemto keep spindleanddiamond–cuttingdeviceataconstanttemperature. VERSATILE: Despite the  small footprint, the  F1 has a very large work area of 320 x 450 mm  or 12 x 18”, and in the GOLD version features simultaneously the  automatic coil  dragging system with  an  area for  precise engraving and diamond-cutting on vacuum table and another one for the final cut with automatic pneumatic vise;  pneumatic vise  forsingle sheet 0,1 ÷ 10 mm thick  and up to 100 mm wide and 450 mm long, with removable vacuum table for pre-series and sample preparation; spindle with automatic toolchange. F35 is a native 5-axis machine with wide  range of  freedom (+ or  – 120°  tilting axis  and endless rotating axis), automatic tool change with 9 or 13 positions EASY TO  BE USED: The  system is  supplied with  a specific software with lots of dedicated features to generate amazing effects and reduce the  programming time in the  manufacture of samples and production start-up LOW   RUNNING COSTS:   Power    supply   220V,   optimized consumption, low need of compressed air Faromachine F5 It’saflying bridge– fixbed  type machine tool  with structurein  naturalgranite,stainlesssteeland aluminum,linear  axeson rails   with carriages on  recirculating  ball  bearingsandleadscrews  with recirculatingballbearings,angularaxeswithzero-backlashgear boxes. Thehigh–resolution stepperdrivesguarantee highperformancesandexcellentaccuracycombined with hugereliabilityandminimumsize. Inits standardconfiguration,the  F5comeswithelectrospindleofmax25.000  RpMfordiamond-cutting with  verticaltool,  diamond-cuttingwheelandautomatic draggingdevice, andupondemandcan  be equippedwithmechanicalprobetoacquire the  reliefofsemi-finisheditemsortoconvert2Dinto 3Dtool pathsprojectedonthe surfacetobemachined. Thesystemissupplied with  CAD–CAMsoftware suitespecificforjewelry with lots ofusefulfunctionsto easilyandquicklygenerate newmodelsanduniqueeffects. DIAMONDHEAD Thisrevolutionarydevice isbasedonapivoting andhi-speedrotating headwith  manual changingwheel, and according to  the  job specifications,itturnstheF5andinto  combinedmilling  & diamond–cutting machines.AspecialFeatureonPigrecoCADcan driveitinasynchronizedmovementwiththe otheraxis. DATA SHEET Linear Axes Travel: X: 310 mm Max. Feed Rate XY : 7.200 mm/min Z:     6.000 mm/min Resolution: 1 μm Accuracy: ±10 μmRepeatability: ±10 μm Numeric Control: Faro FDC Processor 64 bit floating point Multi–function Remote Control Presetting automatico degli utensili Automatic Tool Preset 5 AUX CNC controlled outputs 2 CNC controlled air/water lines Click-To-See Videos of Machine in Operation: Priced Upon Request


Y190 mm
Z120 mm
4 Mb RAM InterfaceUSB
AvailableEx-Factory, Italy