3395-540 Arrow Pneumatics Air Dryer Model A10 – 10 SCFM

3395-540 Arrow Pneumatics Air Dryer Model A10 – 10 SCFM

Location:Pawtucket, RI


Arrow Pneumatics INC S/N- LE390 115 Volt /1 / 60 1/6 hp 10 SCFM Fully automatic to provide the most efficient operation. Panel mounted gauges provide accurate monitoring of tower pressures. Reliable pneumatic valve operation is achieved with an electrically activated spool valve and shuttle valve. All valves are non lubricated to provide maximum dependability and maintenance free operation. Solid-state controls provide reliable sequencing of dryer functions. Power-On lighted switch to show dryer is energized and functioning. Link to MFG: http://www.arrowpneumaticdryers.com/arrow/refrigerateddryers.html


Stock Number3395-540