New GOLDPRO® Bertoncello GBF Sintering and Braze-Soldering Belt Furnaces

New GOLDPRO® Bertoncello GBF Sintering and Braze-Soldering Belt Furnaces

Location:Pawtucket, RI


Industrial electric belt furnaces for the free sintering of powders for the production of beads for diamond wires and sectors for diamond tools and for braze-soldering ADVANTAGES electric control panel incorporated in the furnace. excellent energy performance with up to - 50% electricity consumption. constant temperature all along the muffle. muffle made of refractory steel alloy for high working temperature. heating and cooling with a number of zones in accordance to the productivity. various possibilities in the use of the deoxidizing gas (mixer for H2+ N2, dissociators for ammonia gas NH3, gas generators, gas bottles, etc.) up to - 40% of deoxidizing gas consumption. “working-environment friendly” chimneys to burn the gas repeatable working cycles. high speed of sintering and brazing. compliance with CE regulations for industrial furnaces. Available Ex-Factory, Italy Lead Time Typically 6-8 Weeks Starting At... € POR Packing & Fumigated Crate.... € POR


Stock NumberGBF Sintering