NEW TVN Mod. M8 Balls-Mills for Crushing Ashes, Cruicibles and Borax, 800mm rotor diameter

NEW TVN Mod. M8 Balls-Mills for Crushing Ashes, Cruicibles and Borax, 800mm rotor diameter

$19,790 (USD)

Location:Pawtucket, RI


The machine is for grinding crucibles, boraxes and any other rubbish after having burnt them. Steel rotor diam. 800 mm. Motor with hydraulic coupling. Driving gears in oil-bath. Feed input totally free diam. 200 mm. Filtering gauze in inox steel, 1200 mesh in sq. cm. Iron balls. The machine is suitable for overage productions. Installed horse power 2.2 KW. Power supply 380 V. 50 HZ. Three-phase. Dimensions: Length 1580 mm Width 980 mm Height 2000 mm Approx.Weight 650 kg Optional: Soundproof cabin made in perfectly rule ISO 3746-1979; D.Lgs.277/91, €6.215,00 Availability: Ex-Factory, Italy


Stock Numberm8
Production on materials like ordinary rubbish70-80 kg. per hour.
Production on materials like crucibles, boraxes12-15 kg. per hour.