Gold Refining by Aqua Regia Process

Gold Refining by Aqua Regia Process

Location:Pawtucket, RI


WORKING CYCLE TIME IN 24 hours = 3 BATCHES CONTACT US FOR LARGER QUANTITIES UP TO 300 KG PER DAY Technical Features: nr.1 cylindrical borosilicate glass reactor 50lt volume type dn 400 with discharge valve and Equipped With: Borosilicate glass top cover dn 300,central dn 50 to hold the stirrer drive. n° 1 stirring group with lapped static ring, drive, steel/ptfe shaft, “u” shaped stirring blade, adjustable mechanical seal set made of Teflon and complete with motor. nr.1 motor for stirring group 0,12 kw complete with speed variator and flexible connection. nr.1 electrical heater for the reactor 50 lt complete with bottom protection cover made of aluminum and protected with fiberglass. nr.1 thermocouple for reading the temperature. nr.1 condenser with showers to wash and recovery the salts of gold chloride evaporated during the reaction. nr1. graduated feed vessel lt.10 complete with connection, charging and discharging valve, vacuum and breather pipe, top cover dn 100. nr.1 graduated feed vessel lt.20 complete with connection, charging and discharging valve, vacuum and breather pipe, top cover dn 100. nr.1 p.p. underlying safety tank. Section B – Filtration: nr.1 spherical glass borosilicate container vol. 80 liters approx. nr.1 buchner filtering unit made of pp dn 400 complete with glass top cover and n°3 necks. * the central neck used for charging the gold solution coming from reactor in position a. * the lateral neck complete with valves for fast connection with vacuum or breathing. * motorized system to lift the glass cover of the buchner filter. nr.1 security tank made of p,p, underlying. nr.1 centrifugal magnetic pump of pvdf type 80 – 0,25 kw rapid connections dn 25. Double valve and security filter to regulate the flow of the gold chloride solution just  filtered and cooled that will be delivered to the reactor/precipitator section c. nr.1 cylindrical borosilicate glass reactor 70lt volume type dn 400 This Reactor is Equipped With: Borosilicate glass top cover dn 300/50 to hold the stirrer drive. nr.1 stirring group complete with: lapped static ring, drive, steel/ptfe shaft, turbine shaped stirring blades Adjustable mechanical seal set made of Teflon and complete with motor. nr.1 motor for stirring group:0,12 kw complete with speed variator and flexible connection. n°1 discharging valve dn 50. n°1 electrical heater for the reactor lt. 50 complete with bottom protection cover made of aluminum and protected with fiberglass. nr.1 thermocouple for reading the temperature. nr.1 condenser with showers to wash and recovery the salts of gold chloride evaporated  during the reaction nr.1 graduated feed vessel lt.10 complete with connection, charging and discharging valve, vacuum and breather pipe, top cover dn 100. nr.1 graduated feed vessel lt.20 complete with connection, charging and discharging valve, vacuum and breather pipe, top cover dn 100. nr.1 p.p. underlying safety tank. the plant is complete with a final condenser which collects all eventual gold chloride residuals before conveying the fumes to washing towers. Unit is Complete With: Teflon connection pipes for vacuum transfer of the solutions. n°1 main switchboard to control all the unit operations. n°1 holding structure made of zinc plated pipes type kk. n°1 connecting glass pipe line complete with  reduction curves etc. Flanges, inserts, gaskets, s/steel nuts. Epoxy paint for holding structure protection once assembled. Interested in a quote? Please download our PDF questionnaire, fill out and E-Mail to Pricing Starting at 140.000,00 Euros Ex-Factory, Italy


Section AReactor for the chemical etching
Pump delivery90 lt/min
Section CReactor for etching or precipitation
Overall dimensions5450x2900x4100h mm including platform and stairs.